Hey everyone! I just posted another original story to the website. Technically, it's a free poem. I've had the draft of this poem in my files for a long time, collecting digital dust. So, I decided it was about time to brush it off, touch it up, and release it to the world!
I was never a fan of poetry until my senior year of high school. My English teacher at the time introduced my class to a poetry unit, and I was able to see that there was more to poetry than the "roses are red, violets are blue" stock variety we all heard as kids. In fact, some poems are pretty epic. Since then, I've written a few of my own poems here or there—there's a certain satisfaction in weaving together words in such a way—though I'd never claim it as a specialty.
So when I decided to have a story about the "Man of Ease," I thought it would only be fitting as a sort of humorous, mock-epic poem.
The Man of Ease is a character that was created alongside my friend and frequent collaborator, Deign Wryly (who, as you might remember, wrote a guest post for this blog!) during a game of Hobbit Tales. Hobbit Tales is a Middle-Earth-themed card game where you get pieces of a story (a character or a location) and then you have to build the rest of the plot around it.
It's a blast to play, and leads to all sorts of bizarre and funny scenarios. But none was funnier to us than the Man of Ease, our original character with the seemingly divine bestowment to escape any challenge without difficulty. The more his luck stretched credulity and the more unaware the character was of his good fortune, the better (and funnier)!
If you're familiar with the movie The Man Who Knew Too Little, I'd say the Man of Ease character compares to that (and if you haven't seen that movie, you should watch it right away—it's fantastic).
Hopefully, I did that idea justice in my poem. You can read it here!